Logbook DO1SR
Ham Radio Deluxe

DXCC, All Bands, Mixed

7 entries from (unlimited) to (unlimited), bands = All, modes = All.

Nr Start Station Country DXCC Band Mode Sent Recv
1 31.10.2006 22:09 OK1JIR Czech Republic 503 80m PSK31 599
2 23.10.2006 18:31 2E0TLB England 223 80m PSK31 59 59
3 31.10.2006 22:33 DO2XB Fed. Rep. of Germany 230 80m PSK31 599
4 23.10.2006 19:00 OH1GRT Finland 224 80m PSK31 59 59
5 23.10.2006 18:15 YL1ZJ Latvia 145 80m PSK31 59 59
6 23.10.2006 18:28 SP7SZJ Poland 269 80m PSK31 59 59
7 23.10.2006 18:44 M1PRV San Marino 278 80m PSK31 59 59
